Friday, April 25, 2008


Does suffering stem from not having
Or rather from the WANT of something we do not have?
While the former is popular it is the latter that drives us mad

From the day we emerge
To the moment we die
We are constantly searching for truth, a lie

Searching, searching and finding no answer

For as I grow old I find myself wanting more
Surely there must be a great treasure in store

My car is clean, the bills are all paid
Yet the desire still remains

Tormenting me daily

What's peace but a passing moment
Just like all the rest

A word that flows so easily from unfree lips
For I am a slave to my desire

Rid me of my want
Convince me there is nothing I do not have
Maybe then I will know peace, maybe then I will find my heart glad


Dav said...

Very Deep Entry Mr. Wagner =)


Iris said...

You're really suffering, huh.

bhargav munukutla said...

Extremly open and personl Mr. Wangner. Good Job. ;) XD